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Online course

Aligners, from a to z

The ONLY online programme aimed at doctors who want to enhance the use of clear aligners in their clinic through advanced aligner biomechanics protocols.​

Are you able to treat all your cases with aligners?

In its early days, aligners had many limitations and were only used to treat mild cases. But, over the years, the continuous evolution of the technique (software development, better materials…) has allowed us to treat all types of cases, even the most complex ones.
However, this evolution would be “lacking” without the work of the Orthodontist. Training and in-depth knowledge of the biomechanics of aligners are the main keys to successfully solve any type of malocclusion.

We are aware that the learning curve for clear aligners is hard and, even if you are a master with fixed appliances, you still stuck with complex cases with clear aligners.

This is why we have created a complete and unique programme in which we will help you to treat any patient who comes into your clinic asking for clear aligners.

You will learn the specific protocols to treat any type of malocclusion with aligners: from mild crowding to extraction cases.
You will reinforce your classes with exercises at the end of each topic so that you can put everything that you have learnt into practice.
In addition, we will provide you with the necessary marketing and sales tools so that you can increase the number of clear aligner patients.

If you are a doctor who loves clear aligners and want to improve your skills, this is the perfect programme for you.

12 months programme

  • 25 recorded classes (45-50 min/lesson) in which we will explain the biomechanics of clear aligners step by step and how to apply them to any malocclusion.

  • 20 online courses (90-120 min/lesson) with international speakers who will teach you how to treat complex cases with aligners.

  • 10 books: Class II, Class III, attachments 

Achieve your goals and outcomes from leading experts

Start streaming on-demand courses today from top instructors in subjects like clear aligner therapy, marketing, orthodontic business, and more.

View various treatment outcomes with diagnostic summaries, patient photos, ClinCheck videos, and treatment summaries.