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Which attachments are better for premolar rotation?

Premolar rotation

I suppose many of you are familiar with the myth of Achilles, the Greek hero who was submerged in the River Styx by his mother as a child to make him immortal. Legend has it that Achilles was hit by a poisoned arrow right in the only area that did not touch the water, his heel, causing his death. This type of [...]

MARPE: Is there an age limit for placement?

Placement of Marpe

Introducción: Comprendiendo la Compresión Maxilar La compresión maxilar es un problema relativamente frecuente de ver en nuestra práctica diaria. Esta discrepancia óseodentaria que presenta el paciente puede ser tratada de diferentes maneras según la severidad de la misma y, por supuesto, según su edad. De hecho, solemos utilizar la edad como una referencia para determinar […]

What are the advantages of aligners for periodontal patients?

Aligners in periodontal patients

With the increase in the number of adult patients in our practices, it is common to see cases with diminished bone support or even patients who have been treated with orthodontics as children and who have a periodontal defect caused by these treatments. When a patient with these characteristics comes to our practice, our main concern is to ensure that they do not worsen [...]

What is the effect of elastics in a Class III?

Effects of elastics in Class III

When planning Class III treatment with aligners, the movements that appear in the software can be confusing. No platform is going to tell us the limits of distalisation, nor how the planned movements are really going to occur... And neither can it reflect the effects that the elastics will have on both arches. The reality [...]

Will Invisalign be able to revolutionise jaw expansion?

Maxillary expansion

Jaw expansion is a relatively common treatment for growing patients. Many children have a narrow jaw for various reasons, whether due to habits, a respiratory problem, genetics or inadequate function. This jaw deficiency can be treated with a variety of appliances: Hawley plates, disjunctors, jaw tracks, [...]

What are the differences between the EX30 and the Invisalign SmartTrack?

Difference between EX30 and SmartTrack

Talking about what aligners are made of is probably a somewhat "cumbersome" and unattractive subject. We all like to see cases, especially if they are complex, and enjoy the magnificent mechanics that some professionals apply to solve them. But materials and orthodontics are condemned to understand each other. As far as [...]

Is it necessary to do CBCT when treating a Class III?

Sequential distalisation of the lower arch with aligners is a relatively predictable and effective treatment for resolving sagittal discrepancy. Before opting for this solution to treat the Class III presented by the patient, we must determine the limits that exist for this movement. The limits of distalisation do not depend on the [...]

How should we level the curve of Spee with aligners? 

The curve of Spee is the natural curvature of the occlusal plane that follows the anatomical shape of the mandibular arch. An excessively increased curve of Spee can lead to various problems such as excessive wear of the anterior teeth, periodontal problems or joint disorders. This last aspect is often found in cases where the curve of Spee is [...]

Optimised vs. Conventional coffers

Attachments are a key part of treatment with aligners, necessary to improve the efficiency and predictability of certain dental movements. Even so, they are not essential in all situations. There are movements, such as retroinclination or incisor rotation, that do not require the placement of these attachments to be completed. The [...]

How much can we distalise with aligners?

We are all attracted to the concepts of "predictability" or "reliability". We want to offer maximum guarantees to our patients in everything we do (and, incidentally, to sleep soundly), but, fortunately or unfortunately, biology is not as exact a science as mathematics. As we have already discussed on other occasions, the development of [...]